
NetSuite AP Automation Made Easy (2023)

November 3, 2023

A Group of Consultants Discussing NetSuite AP Automation

Gone are the days when we had to manually enter and pay vendor bills. Besides the demand for manual labor, this process is time-consuming and prone to errors prompting issues later in the process.

Thanks to NetSuite’s Accounts Payable (AP) Automation, we now have access to a faster and more secure way of making vendor payments. NetSuite’s AP automation module aims to automate the invoicing process all the way to reconciliation. By getting rid of the manual process, not only do we make our process more efficient but also improve our vendor relationships.

In this article, we will go into the power of NetSuite’s AP Automation from its features, benefits, and the challenges it addresses.

What is the NetSuite AP Automation Module?

NetSuite’s AP automation module automates your AP process from invoicing, data matching, approval routing, payment processing, reconciliations, and reporting. This AP automation for NetSuite also comes with a dashboard and analytic tools that allow you to easily oversee the entire AP process. And because all data is stored within a unified cloud software, NetSuite makes it easier to search, audit, and integrate information between other processes.

Core Features and Capabilities

Take a look at the core NetSuite features and capabilities for AP Automation:

  • Invoice Capture: Automatically capture invoices received through various channels via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology.
  • Invoice Matching and Approvals: Match invoices against purchase orders and automate approval processes routing invoices to the designated approvers for review and approval.
  • Payment Automation: Execute vendor payments based on your payment terms and integrate with payment processors to facilitate electronic payments, ACH transfers, and wire transfers.
  • Payment Reconciliation: Match payment transactions with bank statements to verify that amounts are aligned.

The Challenges of The Manual Accounts Payable Process

It is given that AP is a critical aspect within any organization. Oftentimes, we encounter backlogs from manual data entry, delayed invoice processing, and errors in vendor payments, especially upon relying on traditional methods. While it has an advantage, the cons still outweigh the pros. Some of these manual AP challenges are:

Errors in data entry

Manual processes are prone to human error. Resolving these errors not only requires additional labor, it also consumes more time and may risk confidence among your vendors.

Delayed AP processing

It can be difficult to dodge delays when manually processing and routing invoices through a paper-based or email-based system. Overlooking emails, requiring physical handling of bills, and manual approval signatures, can easily lead to bottlenecks.

Complex approval workflow

Manually managing approval workflows, especially those that are complex, can be a headache. It may result in delayed approvals and breaches of company policies.

Lack of visibility

It can be challenging to maintain real-time visibility into the status of invoices and payments. This lack of visibility makes it difficult to track the progress of invoices and identify overdue payments.

The Benefits of NetSuite Accounts Payable Automation

Now that we have laid out the cons, let us evaluate how NetSuite’s AP automation benefits organizations looking to streamline this aspect of the business:

Reduced errors and improved efficiency

With electronic invoicing and automated approvals, we skip tedious and repetitive tasks such as coding invoices, printing checks, emailing, and chasing approvals.

Streamlined approval workflows

Custom approval workflows ensure that invoices are routed according to your specific requirements. Multi-level approvals and approval limits are easily managed, ensuring compliance with company policies.

Enhanced visibility

Being able to track the status of each invoice and payment allows for better cash flow management. Having comprehensive reporting and dashboards also provides insights into AP performance enabling businesses to make informed decisions.

Better Vendor Relationships

Timely and accurate payments are great ways to take care of vendor relationships which can lead to better negotiation terms.

How Does Accounts Payable Automation Work?

The AP automation starts by utilizing an OCR tool to digitally extract information from invoices which is then matched to corresponding purchase orders. Invoices are automatically routed to the designated approvers and scheduled payment processing is triggered. Here are the steps in more detail:

  1. Invoice Capture via OCR or E-invoicing: OCR scans, reads, and converts paper-based invoices into digital information. On the other hand, vendors can directly submit their invoices electronically via electronic invoicing systems.
  2. Matching and Validation: After capturing invoice data, it is matched against purchase orders and validated to ensure accuracy and consistency. Data validation checks may include verifying the accuracy of numerical values and ensuring that the vendor details match existing records.
  3. Invoice Routing and Approval Workflow: Invoices are automatically routed to the designated approvers based on configured approval workflows. Customizable approval hierarchies allow for multi-level approvals, invoice amount limits, or other criteria. Alerts and reminders can also be set up to expedite the approval.
  4. Payment Processing: Once the invoice is approved, NetSuite supports various payment methods, including electronic payments, ACH transfers, and wire transfers. Payments can also be scheduled and executed automatically based on predefined payment terms and approval statuses.
  5. Reconciliation and Reporting: Finally, an automated reconciliation process is carried out to match payment transactions against bank statements. NetSuite also provides real-time visibility into the status of transactions through custom accounts payable reports and dashboards.

Should You Invest in NetSuite’s Accounts Payable Automation?

Deciding on whether you should invest in NetSuite’s AP automation depends on various business circumstances. However, if data entry errors, inefficiencies, or delayed payments are weighing your productivity down, the NetSuite AP automation cost should be worth the investment.

By eliminating these business nuances, you not only save time and resources but also strengthen relationships with your suppliers increasing your ability to capture supplier discounts.

Make payment processing easier for you today.

Tasks You Can Automate with AP Automation

The AP automation module allows you to automate various tasks and processes. Here are some of the key AP function tasks we can automate:

Invoice data entry

Automatically capture data from invoices, such as vendor names, invoice numbers, due dates, and line item details, reducing the need for manual data entry.

Invoice matching

Easily validate extracted data against predefined rules to ensure accuracy and consistency, such as checking for discrepancies and verifying vendor details.

Approval routing

Ensure invoices are reviewed and approved in compliance with your policies and ensure that approvers are aware of pending invoices so they can take action promptly.

Payment scheduling and execution

You can schedule payments for approved invoices, and the system will execute payments automatically based on predefined payment terms avoiding late fees.

How To Set Up Accounts Payable Automation Within NetSuite

While there is an abundance of reviews and demos you can access online (e.g. Reddit, YouTube), we wanted to make the NetSuite accounts payable tutorial simpler for you. To set up AP automation within NetSuite, here is a quick user guide to follow:

Install the Payment Automation SuiteApp

  1. Once the AP Automation module has been purchased, install the Payment Automation SuiteApp from the SuiteApp Marketplace in NetSuite. But before that, enable the following features:
  • A/P
  • Accounting Period
  • Bill Capture
  • Custom Records
  • Client SuiteScript
  • SDF
  • Server SuiteScript
  • SuiteFlow
  1. To install a SuiteApp from the SuiteApp Marketplace, go to SuiteApps.
  2. Search for Payment Automation and click the tile.
  3. Click Install.

Apply for an HSBC Account

  1. Go to SuiteBanking > HSBC Application > Apply.
  2. To learn what permissions are required to access the HSBC application page, go to Permissions for Role Customization.
  3. Before starting the application process, go to Setup > Company > Company Information.
  4. Make sure that the details are the same information that you will provide when submitting the application.
  • Return Email Address
  • Return Address
  • Phone

Note: To provide a phone number on the Company Information page, click Edit next to the Return Address field, and enter the number in the Phone field.

Generate Payment Tokens

Before you can start processing payments, first generate payment tokens that the payment processor will use.

Before you generate payment tokens, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) with a one-time password (OTP). For information about setting 2FA, see Set up Your Preferences for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

Note: Users with an AP Integration Manager role can generate tokens.

To generate payment tokens:

  1. Go to SuiteBanking > Setup > Token.
  2. Enter your NetSuite password in the Password field.

Set up the Source Bank Account for Auto-Funding

Auto-funding streamlines your accounts payable workflow. You are unable to make any payments before auto-funding is set up.

To set up an existing account for Payment Automation:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts.
  2. On the line of the bank account you want to set up, click Edit.
  3. Set the following fields:
  • Payment Automation Bank Name – used on the Payment Automation dashboard.
  • Payment Automation Bank Routing Number – use only domestic US accounts. The routing number will be validated by the system.
  • Payment Automation Bank Account Type
  • Payment Automation Bank Account
  1. Click Save. If this is your first time setting up a source account, you will be automatically redirected to the GUID setup page:
  2. Provide a 16-character passphrase. This will be used to set up NACHA encryption rules for the ACH account number.
  3. After submitting the GUID, you will be redirected back to GL setup.
  4. Click Save.

Allow Automatic Debit of Your Source Account

For auto-funding to initiate, first permit HSBC to automatically debit your source bank account. To allow funds to be transferred, contact your GL source account bank.

Note: If there is a debit block on the source bank account held with your bank, you will be required to provide your HSBC ACH Company ID, which is required to authorize auto debit.

To determine your HSBC ACH Company ID:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts.
  2. On the HSBC Bank Account line, click View.
  3. Note down the number in the Payment Automation Bank Account field.

If you set a maximum debit value for this authorization, align the value with your Daily Transaction Limit displayed in the Payment Automation dashboard.

Set up Auto-Funding

You must set up your source account for auto-funding before you can start initiating payments.

To set up auto-funding:

  1. Go to SuiteBanking > Payment Automation > Dashboard.
  2. On the left pane, click Bank Account.
  3. Click Set up Auto-Funding.
  4. From the Auto-Fund list, select the auto-funding source account. For more information, see Setting Up the Source Bank Account for Auto-Funding.
  5. Check the boxes to certify that this account is exclusive to your organization and to authorize HSBC to automatically debit your source bank account.
  6. Click Submit.

Set up Vendors

To set up a vendor for Payment Automation:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.
  2. Click View on the vendor you want to set up for Payment Automation.
  3. On the SuiteBanking subtab:
  • Check the Automated Payments box.
  • Select modes of payment in the Accepted Modes of Payment list.
  • Select a mode of payment in the Preferred Mode of Payment list.
  • Enter an email address in the Remittance Email field.
  1. On the Financial subtab:
  • Select a payment account from the Default Vendor Payment Account list.
  • Select USD from the Primary Currency list.
  1. Click Save.

Set up Vendor Bank Data

This is required when the preferred mode of payment is ACH. To set up the vendor bank account:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.
  2. Click View on the Vendor you want to set up the Vendor Bank Account.
  3. In the SuiteBanking subtab, click New Vendor Bank Account.
  4. Enter values for the following:
  • Bank Name
  • Bank Account Number
  • Bank Routing Number
  1. Select the type of bank account from the Bank Account Type list.
  2. Check the Primary Bank Account box if you want to make this bank account primary.
  3. Check the Inactive box if you want to mark this bank account as inactive.
  4. Click Save.

Set Up Approval Routing

To set up batch approval routing:

  1. Go to SuiteBanking > Payment Automation > Dashboard.
  2. On the left pane, expand the Set Up section, and click Approval Routing.
  3. Click Setup.
  4. On the Setup page, set values for the following fields:
  • Approval Type – choose one of the following options to indicate how approval routing should be triggered:
  • Bill Payment – payment amount limit for each bill in a batch.
  • Vendor Payment – payment amount limit for each vendor in a batch.
  • Batch Payment – total payment amount limit of a batch payment.
  • The approval type determines the value in the Amount for Approval field on the Bill Payment Batch page.
  • Payment Limit – enter the maximum amount for a payable transaction that can be processed without approval.
  • Level – set the approval level for each payment approver. Begin with the Level 1 approver. Note: Multiple approvers can be set up for one level, but only one approver is required to approve.
  • Payment Approver – select the payment approver for each approval level. The approver will receive an email notification whenever an approval is required for a payment batch.
  • Payment Approval Limit – enter the maximum amount that a payment approver can approve for a payable transaction. If blank, the approver can approve any amount.
    Note: When the approval hierarchy is set, the limit of the last approver must be left blank.
  1. Click Save.

Note: For more information, see Approving Payment Batches.

How Seller Universe Can Help

There is no doubt that NetSuite’s AP automation module has many powerful features that can benefit any business.

At Seller Universe, we have the best consultants with a broad range of experience in automating accounting processes such as the AP function. We pride ourselves in our expertise when it comes to eCommerce and outsourced accounting services, fully equipped to understand your needs, offer solutions that work, and support you throughout the process.

If you want to learn more about how we do things, simply reach out to us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can accounts payable be automated?

Does NetSuite have AP automation?

What are the best practices for accounts payable automation?

Can you automate accounts receivable and other financial management processes?

What software options do I have for accounts payable automation?

How do I implement accounts payable automation with NetSuite?

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NetSuite ACS vs Partner Support: Which One is the Best for You?Getting the proper NetSuite support can make or break your implementation and ongoing success with the platform. But how do you know which support option best fits NetSuite ACS and NetSuite partners? This blog post breaks down the key differences between NetSuite’s Advanced Customer Support (ACS) and NetSuite partner support to help you make the choice that aligns with your business needs.Is your NetSuite implementation being held back by subpar support? Don’t leave your success to chance—understand the differences between NetSuite ACS and partner support to get your business's expertise.This blog post compares NetSuite ACS and partner support to help you determine the right support approach for your organization. We’ll explore the pros and cons of each option, from availability and response times to advanced expertise and cost considerations.‍What is NetSuite Support?NetSuite support assists with the range of ERP and omnichannel commerce capabilities within the NetSuite platform. This includes troubleshooting issues and answering usage questions on:‍NetSuite Financial ManagementNetSuite Order and Billing ManagementNetSuite Inventory and FulfillmentNetSuite CRM and MarketingNetSuite SuiteCommerce SitesNetSuite Reporting and DashboardsNetSuite Workflow AutomationNetSuite Customizations and Integrations‍Reliable support coverage for all NetSuite components is crucial for businesses to keep their systems stable, meet compliance needs, scale growth, and continuously optimize their platform utilization.NetSuite Advanced Customer Support (ACS)‍NetSuite ACS enables self-service access to the company's knowledge base with operational best practice content for finance, orders, inventory, and other areas. Users can also submit tickets for technical issues across modules like financial reporting, order workflows, and custom scripts.‍Dedicated account managers provide guidance on ACS entitlements and bundle purchases. But the support itself is siloed across topic-specific teams versus taking a holistic view of each customer's business priorities.NetSuite Partner Support‍Skilled NetSuite partners have extensive knowledge of the same core areas covered by NetSuite ACS, including:‍Troubleshooting platform errors and bugsAssisting with configuration and customization issuesProviding guidance on standard functionality ‍Additionally, the best NetSuite partners supplement ACS with a wider range of complementary support strengths, such as:‍Faster response times based on focused NetSuite expertiseDirect senior-level support unavailable through standard ACSVertical domain perspective tied to industry best practicesPersonalized account management aligned to business KPIsProactive solution checkups and optimization recommendationsOngoing training aligned to changing user rolesObjective guidance untethered from NetSuite sales ‍Customers benefit from comprehensive support coverage by leveraging both ACS and a partner like Seller Universe. ACS provides the backstop of direct vendor access while partners deliver specialized knowledge and context for greater productivity. The combined approach enables issues to be resolved faster while unlocking more platform value.‍NetSuite ACS: A Complete Overview‍NetSuite Advanced Customer Support (ACS) is the vendor's own technical support offering provided to NetSuite customers. It equips users with guidance and assistance to optimize configuration, utilization, and ongoing enhancement of their NetSuite ERP platform.‍Key features and services of ACS include:‍24/7 phone and email access to NetSuite support techniciansGuaranteed initial response times based on case severity Designated account managers for support planning and entitlementsDifferent support tiers aligned to customer needs‍Levels of ACS Support‍NetSuite ACS provides varied support levels to match unique customer requirements:‍Advise: Entry-level support ideal for new customers covers basic troubleshooting and product guidance to ensure a solid onboarding foundation.Monitor: Hands-on support with a designated functional consultant who monitors milestones are met across key workflows and processes. Optimize: For customers with more complex configurations, Optimize delivers deeper and proactive support for maximum utilization. This adds a Customer Success Manager and performance assessments.Architect: The highest tier designed for global and highly customized deployments. Adds an assigned Technical Account Manager for strategic oversight.‍Benefits of NetSuite ACS‍The main benefits NetSuite customers gain through ACS include:‍Direct access to NetSuite product experts who know the software inside and outProactive monitoring and regular platform checkupsGuidance on new functionality and process optimization‍Limitations of NetSuite ACS ‍Some downsides or constraints of reliance solely on vendor ACS:‍Incremental cost increases based on higher tiers of access and supportImpersonal support issues due to high volume of aggregate customers Locked into an annual contract regardless of actual usage or value gained‍Many customers switch to NetSuite Partners for maximum ROI for their support needs.Overview of Partner SupportNetSuite partners are expert implementation and support firms focused exclusively on the NetSuite platform. They provide a range of specialized services designed to help customers get maximum value from their ERP investment. Partners play an integral role by delivering solutions tailored to each organization's unique industry, business model, and objectives.Types of Services Offered‍NetSuite partners offer various services spanning the customer lifecycle including:‍Deployment - New implementations, data migration, integrationsCustomizations - Enhancements for specialized functionalityManaged Services - Ongoing administration and support packagesOptimization - Improving and evolving usage over timeSupport - User training to troubleshooting and upgrade guidanceBenefits of NetSuite Partner Support‍Partnering with a skilled NetSuite service provider yields many benefits:‍Customized Support: Partners provide individualized guidance based on deep understanding of customer goals and contexts. This enables more impactful solutions.Flexibility: Leading partners offer flexible and modular services. Customers can mix and match offerings to meet budget and requirements.Dedicated Attention: Partners provide senior-level, high-touch engagement and accountability across a customer's journey.Types of Support Plans‍NetSuite partners mostly offer two types of support plans:Ad-Hoc PlansFor more transactional or tactical needs, NetSuite partners offer flexible Ad-Hoc support plans. Under this model, customers pay per incident or project for needs as they arise. If an organization only has periodic platform issues or minor enhancements, paying only for specific partner engagements is often the right fit both functionally and economically. The Ad-Hoc approach provides nimble support refinements without unnecessary managed services overhead.Full Managed ServicesFor companies that rely heavily on NetSuite to run business operations, Full Managed Services delivers reliable support coverage on an ongoing basis. This proactive model includes regularly scheduled platform reviews, a technical account manager, and continual optimization to improve business process maturity over time. Instead of reactive troubleshooting, managed services provide end-to-end lifecycle enablement so technology fully aligns to ever-evolving functional requirements. The highest-performing partners offer Managed Services bundled to meet budget thresholds based on company revenue or headcount.‍Comparing ACS vs Partner SupportService Flexibility‍ACS offers tiered support packages but limited ability to customize service levels. Partners provide more tailored and modular options spanning ad-hoc firefighting to optimized managed services. This empowers a better fit to needs and budget. Customization and Personalization‍While ACS furnishes access to technical experts who understand NetSuite intrinsically, the vendor relationship limits customized enhancements aligned to strategic business goals. Specialized partners both conceptualize and deliver personalized solutions factoring industry contexts. Cost Efficiency‍ACS packages risk overspending without full utilization, as high-touch options have high labor costs. Partners enable pay-as-you-go flexibility or bundled managed services, driving higher ROI. The long-term TCO with partners can be lowered by distributing costs against value and outcomes vs. fixed ACS subscription fees.Response Time and Availability‍With massive customer volumes, ACS struggles to match partners’ rapid response times aligned to individual user priorities. Partners average 2-hour SLAs for P1 issues, while ACS urgent response is 8 hours. Users praise partners for 24/7 access and hyper-care during deployments.Strategic Guidance and Expertise‍While ACS resolves tactical issues, partners excel at strategic visioning and capability enhancements per business objectives. ACS acts as a platform mechanic, while partners serve as virtual CIOs. ‍‍Why is Seller Universe the Best NetSuite Support Partner?Comprehensive Solution BreadthSeller Universe provides an unrivaled breadth of solutions spanning financials, integration, automation, analytics, and custom application development. This enables a tailored fit to address diverse pain points out-of-the-box.Global and Local ExperienceWith skilled resources across North America and APAC, Seller Universe delivers in-region support backed by an intimate knowledge of local regulations, languages, and business norms. Our teams blend deep NetSuite expertise with on-the-ground insights.Industry and Process SpecializationSeller Universe offers pre-configured solutions fine-tuned for manufacturing, eCommerce, logistics, demand planning, AP automation, and more. With 300+ projects delivered, we furnish proven, repeatable models aligned to how you operate.Technology Depth and Platform ExpertiseWith 350+ NetSuite certifications and direct participation in NetSuite's product council, our consultants offer an unparalleled technical command of the platform's multidimensional capabilities. We match this with pragmatic implementation experience.Commitment to Continuous InnovationSeller Universe builds on NetSuite's core functionality through 250+ custom SuiteApps, integrations with leading complementary solutions, and our AutomationDrive RPA practice. We commit to continuously expanding what's possible, year after year.Final ThoughtsIn conclusion, NetSuite customers have options for supplementing the vendor’s Advanced Customer Support (ACS) offerings. However, realizing maximum value requires a partner that goes beyond basic break/fix services. The ideal support partner is a strategic advisor guiding customers through the ongoing enhancement of their ERP investment. This drives innovation aligned to business goals versus just maintaining the status quo.‍Of all specialized NetSuite partners, Seller Universe stands out as the clear market leader. By combining technical prowess with pragmatic implementation experience across hundreds of deployments, Seller Universe delivers unmatched ROI. We offer more than software support – We provide customers with a trustworthy, forward-thinking partner ready to evolve systems as needs grow and change.‍