Rosenwald is a relatively new shoe company that keeps up the tradition of handmade Italian leather shoes for men. With years of tutelage from the legendary Stefano Bemer, Rosenwald’s founding shoemaker dared to make a name for himself.
How Rosenwald Utilized Creative Assets to Market Handmade Italian Leather Shoes
Rosenwald shoes are created in Italy by a small family of shoe manufacturers. What makes them unique is that they combine the traditional Italian shoe aesthetic with the science of orthopedics. The results are beautifully handcrafted Italian leather shoes that a busy man can wear for hours comfortably.
Conveying Luxury
For their website and social media, Rosenwald needed impactful creative assets that convey luxury and prestige. Creative assets are images, videos, and other visual and auditory elements that echo a brand’s identity. With Rosensald, we provided images that expressed the special luxury associated with bespoke Italian shoes. We laid out elegantly composed shots that include the accessories that are also available on the site. Meanwhile, the product images are set against a light gray background instead of the usual white to make them distinctive but subdued. All the creative visuals work together to entice the right customers to click on the buy button. With the help of our images, Rosenwald is thriving in the modern e-commerce space selling traditional Italian shoes.
SUEG Competitive Edge
Seller Universe lives and breathes growth. Each of our partners in growth and success can tell you that change is an inevitable consequence of desired growth. But we don’t anticipate change; we initiate it.
This means assiduously maintaining accurate records so the value of products and services is never understated. It means curating records and initiating and following up on task deliverables with diligence and passion. Everything affects the bottom line and the potential to scale growth, after all. We help you meet your targets in the short term and with a view to playing the long game, all through careful planning, disruption, and follow-through.
Work with us
Best of all, we can get you everything you need in-house. Why work with multiple providers that deliver inconsistent results? We give you expert e-commerce solutions all under one roof, from interlocked and collaborative teams who are also passionate about initiating change, and who are all focused on your bottom line. Knowing how to harness our passions is central to Seller Universe’s success and enables us to consistently create positive outcomes for our partners.
Check out our From Passion to Profit podcast with Ecomcrew Co-founder Mike Jackness to see how you too can make your passions work for you.

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